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Cultivating Change T & C's

Please read our T & C's below...

Terms and Conditions of use

Cultivating Change is a charity registered in England under charity number 1199282. We ask our donees (the people we give seed to) to please read and follow our basic terms and conditions outlined below.


  • Please don’t sell the seed: We give seed free of charge to our donees to benefit them and the causes we want to promote and not for commercial gain. The seed should therefore not be sold nor should the plants you grow from the seed, unless you have permission from Cultivating Change, and this will only be granted under a limited number of very special circumstances.


  • Please don’t eat the seed. The seeds we donate are not edible and must not be eaten directly by humans. The seeds are also not suitable for sprouting and must not be used for the production of sprouted seeds when seed, or at least part of the seed, will be eaten as part of this final product.


  • Please don’t reproduce the seed: The seeds we donate are subject to intellectual property laws from the companies which originally developed the seed.  Therefore, our seed should only be used to grow plants and not used for reproduction or plant breeding work. Reproducing the seed or using our seed in plant breeding work would be in contravention of the Plant Breeders rights within the meaning of the Plant Varieties Act 1997.


  • Please be mindful of seed quality expectations: Seed is an organic living thing, it is not manufactured in a factory and we therefore cannot guarantee quality nor can we accept any liability arising from defective seed. Plant diseases can be transmitted by wind, insects, animals or human  agencies  and may be seed  or  soil borne. We believe the seed we donate should be free from latent defect but we do not guarantee this and we will not be responsible in any way for the resultant crop. If the seed is defective please let us know so we can replace this for you.


  • Finally and most importantly, Please use the seed: Please grow our seed and enjoy the benefits growing plants has on your physical and mental health.

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